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Holiday to Canada with kids: yes or no?

Spotting bears and whales from your rubber boat. Cycling through Vancouver surrounded by snow-capped mountains and glittering lakes. When you travel with children there are things you need to take into account before choosing your destination. We discovered Canada with kids as an adventurous family holiday and discovered: Canada has it all! Canada has it […]

2016, highlights of our holidays with kids

Wow, it’s the 31st of December already… I feel like I’ve skipped a few months this year! I always get a slight feeling of melancholy towards the end of the year that just seems to have flashed by. The perfect moment to look back on our holidays with kids highlights this year. Not going skiing […]

Long distance travels with kids, travelling through your kids eyes

Always a fun topic at random birthday parties: long distance travels with kids … Whenever we share our travel plans with friends or family we always hear the same thing: “what’s in it for him, he won’t remember any of it when he gets older”. From colleagues that discovered travel fever way back I often […]

Holiday to Cape Verde: ready set go!

Beep, beep, beep… 02:30 in the morning the alarm goes off. Yes!! We’re going on holiday to Cape Verde! Holiday or not, rising early is always a big ordeal for me. We hatched a plan and put the kids to bed fully clothed so we could move them to the car while still sleeping but […]

Cape Verde with kids: Sunny with waving palm trees

After the plane has landed and the suitcases have rolled from the conveyor belt, the moment has finally arrived: our holiday in Cape Verde with kids is about to begin! A good holiday starts with a wonderful hotel Riu Funana is just a 20min drive from the airport in Sal. When we walk into the […]

Holiday in Cape Verde with kids: ill kids.. again!

Hmmmm despite the peace, the sun and relaxation we are having on our holiday in Cape Verde Lotte does not seem to be getting any better. Her fever is still high. She’s moping, unhappy and hardly has any appetite left.  Ill Kids on holiday Kev and I take turns in hotel room shifts so Lotte […]

A midweek away in our own country: holiday at sea with a toddler

We follow Jacky and Dieuwertje in this guest blog during a lovely holiday at sea with a toddler: Mats! Holiday at sea with a toddler   Monday Jack (Mr. Frown good looking alias daddy) and little old me get into the car and take off in the direction of Qurios Bloemendaal aan Zee for a holiday at […]

Our Florida road trip with the camper, what are we going to do?

By the time you read this we’ve been a day in (hopefully) sunny Florida .Preparing ourselves for our 3 week Florida road trip. We’ve been on a road trip through America twice before and we loved it. After the West Coast and Central America, it’s now the East Coast, Florida, it’s turn. We’ve booked our […]

On holiday to Florida, off we go!

As soon as the alarm goes off at 05:15hrs, I jump out of bed: woohoooooo!! It’s time for our holiday to Florida!! I’ve made sure we’re all packed and ready. We shower, get dressed and wake up the kids at 06:00hrs. Flo looks like a tired little mole and Lotte just takes one look at […]

Our Camper trip through Florida

“Mum, I’m awake, can I get out of bed?” Uhmmmm “Try to sleep a little longer Floris, its 3:30 at night. But he can’t sleep anymore and so the first day of our camper trip through Florida starts nice and early. Time for some shopping   Breakfast isn’t served until 6:30 so we decide to […]