Disney World Orlando! The grand finale of our camper trip through Florida

We’re on our way to our next destination already on our super cool camper trip through Florida: Disney World Orlando! It’s a 3,5 hour drive from Sanibel Island to Orlando. Quite a ride for the kids but we’ve prepared everything for along the way; snacks, drinks and the iPad within reach. The ride goes smooth […]
Camper holiday with kids, our last days in Animal Kingdom & Epcot

Oh no! Our amazing camper holiday with kids in Florida has almost come to an end. But before we return home we still have 2 beautiful days ahead! Our second day in Disney World is spent in Animal Kingdom and Epcot. Both parks are new to us so we’re very excited to see what they […]
On holiday to Florida, off we go!

As soon as the alarm goes off at 05:15hrs, I jump out of bed: woohoooooo!! It’s time for our holiday to Florida!! I’ve made sure we’re all packed and ready. We shower, get dressed and wake up the kids at 06:00hrs. Flo looks like a tired little mole and Lotte just takes one look at […]