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Camping with kids: Arches

Gooooooodmorning! Today is the 14th day of our camping with kids RV roadtrip.I love getting up, being able to walk outside in shorts, enjoying my breakfast in the sun. Every morning the kids eat the same: peanut butter sandwich, strawberries and a boiled egg. We choose granola with fresh berries. Today we will visit Arches […]

Family holiday South Africa, the best tips!

We follow Ivar, Joan and 3 year old Lise on their South African family holiday  adventure. Our amazing family holiday in South Africa, almost comes to an end. We are heading to our one but last destination: Stellenbosch. Unfortunately our drive to Stellenbosch doesn’t go as planned. While driving over there, we experience some trouble […]

Long distance travels with kids, travelling through your kids eyes

Always a fun topic at random birthday parties: long distance travels with kids … Whenever we share our travel plans with friends or family we always hear the same thing: “what’s in it for him, he won’t remember any of it when he gets older”. From colleagues that discovered travel fever way back I often […]