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Traveling with Young Kids: A Joyful Adventure

Traveling with young kids is an adventure we absolutely adore! Our son, Floris, was just 7 months old when he embarked on his first journey to the far West Coast of America. We spent three weeks exploring the West Coast in a camper. Similarly, our daughter, Lotte, was also 7 months old when she experienced her first trip to Thailand. Despite being vastly different destinations, both were amazing and manageable with young kids.

Through these experiences, we’ve realized the importance of packing certain essential items when traveling with a baby or a toddler. So, what are these handy items that have eased our travels? We’re more than happy to share them with you.

Essential Items for Traveling with Young Kids

1. Ergobaby Baby Carrier

The Ergobaby Baby Carrier is an absolute must-have for us when traveling with young kids. It’s especially useful on the plane to keep your hands free if your kids don’t have their own seat yet. It also comes in handy when standing in line at customs, particularly when the buggy isn’t delivered to the plane. Moreover, in less developed countries where walkways are often missing or full of holes, the carrier proves to be a better choice than a buggy.

2. Deryan Travel Bed

Our three-year-old, Lotte, has been using the Deryan Travel Bed since our very first trip. This lightweight, foldable travel cot is not only used as a bed but also as a playpen, making it a versatile addition to our luggage. Its built-in mosquito net makes it suitable for trips to the tropics. If you’re traveling with young kids, this is a definite must-have. For more travel bed options, check out the best toddler travel beds guide.

3. Essential Travel Item: Large Hydrophilic Cloth

Also known as a Hamman cloth, this versatile item is a must-have for any family trip. We use these cloths on the plane as a blanket, to provide a little shade in the buggy or pram, or even as a rug on the beach.

4. Don’t Forget the Vitamin Pills

Our kids aren’t the best eaters, and while we hoped they might enjoy the local Asian cuisine, that turned out to be wishful thinking. To ensure they get enough vitamins and minerals on our trip, I always bring along a jar of multi-vitamins for children. It gives me peace of mind, whether they really work or not.

5. Always Carry a Jar of Peanut Butter

This one falls into the same category as the vitamin pills. Bread is a universal food item you can find anywhere during your travels. So, if your kids ever decide to go on a food strike, you can at least fill up their empty stomachs with a peanut butter sandwich every now and again.

6. The Indispensable Peeling Knife

This is another must-have item for my luggage. The good old peeling knife! Health authorities advise us to peel or cook fruits and vegetables in many non-western countries before eating them. I eat a lot of fruit myself, and the kids can always use a little extra on holiday. You can have your fruit in your hotel in the morning, of course, but I’m always glad I’m carrying my peeling knife when I visit a local market to score some too.

7. Essential Travel Gear: The iPad

Undeniably, the iPad is an indispensable travel companion, especially during long flights with kids aged 3 and 4. As a parent, I understand the need for entertainment during these long hours. Therefore, I ensure the iPads are loaded with games and movies that can be viewed offline. Thanks to Netflix, you can now download films and series to watch offline. Remember to pack headphones too, as not everyone appreciates hearing Fireman Sam for the tenth time during a flight.

8. Keeping Cool: Portable Fan for the Pram

Heat can be a significant concern during travel, especially for children in prams. A small, rechargeable fan that can be attached to the pram is a lifesaver. It keeps the kids cool, even on the hottest days, allowing them to sit and even sleep comfortably. This fan can also be useful on crowded planes.

9. Protecting Your Child: Mosquito Net for the Pram

If you’re visiting a country with a high mosquito population, a mosquito net for the pram is a must-have. It ensures your child can sleep peacefully without the risk of mosquito bites. Some nets are versatile enough to fit the pram, buggy, and cot, making them a handy travel accessory.

10. Thermos Bottle with Warm Water for Traveling with Kids

Imagine this scenario: After a long wait, you’re finally aboard the plane. You want to give your baby a bottle while the plane ascends to prevent sore ears. But the flight attendants are super busy, and the plane is already taxiing to the runway. Or perhaps your baby wakes up during a night flight; it’s dinner time! Which do you prefer; waiting 10 minutes for the flight attendant to warm up a bottle for you or adding a bit of cold water to the hot water in your Thermos bottle you brought along and mixing it with a bit of formula? I think the latter, so be sure to take a small thermos bottle with you. It’s okay to take liquids on board for babies. And don’t forget to bring a bottle of cold water too, to mix with the hot for the right temperature.

These items are a must-have in our luggage when traveling with young kids! What are your travel essentials when traveling with young kids? I’d love to hear your favorites!


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