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Tips on how to book a cheap ticket

Family vacations are wonderful! Most of the times is isn’t cheap to book your family holiday, especially the flight can be expensive. Do you want to know how you can buy a cheap ticket for your next trip with the kids? Check out our tips on finding cheap tickets!

1.What’s the best time for your booking?

Time matters… Many of us have the feeling it’s very important to book as far ahead as possible for a cheap ticket. We mostly see tickets are at their cheapest 6 to 8 weeks before departure. When you are travelling in the holiday season, book way ahead. If you are not, try to book 6-8 weeks ahead.

2. Compare

Make sure you check several websites. Prices may be up or down tens of dollars. Websites who give you an overview of all ticket prices are for example: Kayak or Skyscanner. Skyscanner has an app as well, which is very user friendly.

3.Be Flexible

Be as flexible as possible on your travel date, departure and arrival city. Sometimes it can be way cheaper to depart from a different airport you are used to or depart from and arrive at a different airport. If you aren’t travelling to and from the same airport, make sure you have a plan for the last stretch of your journey: from the airport to your home.

4.What is the best day to book a cheap ticket?

Did you know Tuesdays are the best day to book your ticket? Why? Most airlines start new promotions on the beginning of the week, Mondays. This means airlines prices are lowest on Tuesdays as competitors match each other’s prices. Word is Tuesdays at 03:00PM is the best time to buy a cheap ticket.


Delete your cookies! When you don’t delete your cookies there is a big change your neighbor who first visits the airlines website, is able to book cheaper tickets than you can. Because of the cookies the website knows you are a repeating visitor. To encourage you to finally buy your ticket, the prices increase. After deleting the cookies, you are treated as a “first time visitor” making sure you see the best rates available.


This app comes in very handy: “Hopper, Airfare Predictor”. This app knows exactly when you should buy your ticket to make sure you have the best deal. Check it out to see if it works for you as well.

7.Don’t book last minute

The myth buying last minute gives you the best prices is not true. Is some cases, when airlines haven’t sold enough seats on a specific flight, is might be possible you will find a cheap ticket last minute. In general booking last minute will only make your ticket more expensive.

8.Create a price alarm

More and more booking- and compare site give you the opportunity to create a price alarm/alert. When you create one on WeFlyCheap. The will give you a heads up when they have found the best deal for you. This way you always know first about the cheapest tickets.

The travel experts of WeFlyCheap, were kind enough to share these tips with us. Do you have any tips on booking a cheap ticket? We love to hear them.

Do you want more tips on saving money when booking your next family vacation? Check out this article: 5 Tips: Save money when booking your holiday with kids.

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