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Ski Holiday with Kids Part III: Kids are Getting Better, Snow is Getting Worse

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by white mountains. However, after a few days, the trees and mountains turned green again. Despite this, our youngest, Lotte, was eager to ride the sledge. We pulled her over green grass and some slushy snow, and she was absolutely thrilled!

Enjoying Indoor Activities

Fortunately, the kids were improving. Lotte was particularly excited about the swimming pool, so we decided to go. This turned out to be a great decision as it resulted in one happy baby and consequently, two happy parents. Especially when the happy baby decided to sleep for 3 hours after her exhausting swimming trip. Floris, however, was still quite ill and spent most of the day on the couch.

The pool offered a beautiful view of the slopes. While entertaining my baby girl, I noticed some movement from the corner of my eye. The ski slopes were open! However, the ski rental guy informed us that the slopes were still quite green and the white parts were slushy and wet. Seeing people skiing down and abruptly stopping on the grass, we decided not to risk it.

Feasting and Family Time

So, what could we do instead? Eat! We indulged in a serious gourmet dinner. After our family returned from visiting a beautiful castle in the neighborhood, we started our feast. After eating for 2 hours straight, we went to bed with very happy bellies.

Surprisingly, that night was better than the previous one. Floris woke up around 3:00 AM and couldn’t sleep anymore. He entertained us by moaning about various things for 2 hours. Finally, he fell asleep again and didn’t wake up until 08:30 AM. During the night, Lotte woke up twice. Since our ski holiday, she has added two very loud and nasty screams to her usual cute calls if we aren’t in her room within 5 minutes.

Our Last Day in Winterberg

Time flies when you’re having fun! We had already reached our last day in Winterberg. The kids were finally getting better, but we couldn’t say the same about the snow.

Unfortunately, the last day was similar to the other days; kids feeling slightly better, still no snow. Until the day we left: it snowed all night! We departed from a serene white Winterberg in a fully stuffed car, untouched skiing gear in the back. Despite not being able to ski, we had a really nice ski holiday. Winterberg is a very cosy little skiing town and Landal Winterberg is perfect for a stay with kids!

NEXT STOP: Thailand! To be continued…

Tips & Tricks for Skiing with Kids

If you DO have snow and want to go skiing with the kids:

  • Make sure your baby wears a diaper as the ski teacher can’t always reach a toilet on time. Check out these Huggies Little Movers Slip-Ons.
  • Leave some candy with the ski teacher which he can share with your kid if he/she feels less motivated.
  • When it’s really cold; buy thermic underwear and a forage cap (for under the helmet) for your kids. Check out these options on Amazon and Sporthuis.

Lotte on the sledge

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