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Day 7 & 8: Enjoying Disneyland Hong Kong and Back to Amsterdam

Yes, we’ve arrived at day 7 of our Hong Kong city trip with kids. So what’s on the menu for today (and tomorrow)? That’s right, Disneyland Hong Kong!  Can’t miss this when visiting Hong Kong with kids.

Day 7: Farewell to Hyatt Sha Tin and Hello to Disney Explorer’s Lodge

When the alarm goes my first thought is “oh no!” We have to leave our beautiful and luxurious suite at the Hyatt Sha Tin… such a shame! This is such a lovely hotel and the room is really amazing! But first, let us enjoy the extensive breakfast buffet.

Disney Explorer’s Lodge

After breakfast we pack the last of our stuff and take a cab to the last hotel of this beautiful trip: Disney Explorer’s Lodge.

Disneyland Hong Kong: A Day Full of Magic

From the hotel we take the shuttle bus to the park where we arrive in 5 minutes. As we walk into the park that lovely Disney vibe is everywhere around us.

Day 8: Another Magical Day in Disneyland Hong Kong

The alarm goes off at 08:00. One more day in Disneyland Hong Kong! Before we have breakfast we pack our bags because this evening we’ll be flying back to Amsterdam.

Breakfast in the Chart Room cafe

We choose the last option. I have churros and fruit for breakfast (so bad, but so good!), Kev has a puff pastry cake with egg, Floris sticks to a croissant and Lotte has Mickey waffles and fruit, yummy!! Breakfast is great and the prices are not that bad (for Disney standards).

Another day in Disneyland Hong Kong

After breakfast we put our suitcases in the luggage room and we take the shuttle back to the park.

So long Disneyland, so long Hong Kong!

After dinner we pick up our suitcases and we are shown into a room where we can freshen up and get changed. In 20 minutes the cab takes us to the airport. The check-in of Cathay Pacific goes smoothly and luckily so does the safety check and customs.

Ready for take-off

As soon as we’re aboard the kids get an Olaf backpack (from Frozen) with in it a coloring book, pencils and a passport holder, so nice!! Before we even take off they’re fast asleep!

Hello Amsterdam!

At 06:00 o’clock local time we land at Schiphol Airport. The kids did really well again; had a good night’s sleep, watched a little TV, not a peep! Love the night flight!

Well our Hong Kong city trip has finally come to an end. Too bad!! It was an amazing week. Hong Kong is such a diverse child friendly city. There’s loads of fun things to see and do, there’s loads of playgrounds and they have a delicious cuisine!

I really think Hong Kong is a great destination for a city trip 2.0 but also for a stopover where you can get to know Hong Kong in just a few days before you fly on to your next destination!

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This article “Day 7 & 8: Enjoying Disneyland Hong Kong and back to Amsterdam” is sponsored by Cathay Pacific and Disneyland Hong Kong.


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